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contains CBT, Beta-Glucans, Antioxodants

Dolvit Cannabis

Dolvit Cannabis contains cannabidiol (CBD), a natural substance found in hemp, which has a broad spectrum of effects. CBD has a beneficial effect on the agility, condition and health of animals. Its positive properties are supplemented by the addition of beta glucans, natural antioxidants, pyridoxine and cholecalciferol.

Categories:- Dog & Cat, Supplement, Immunity Booster, Dolvit Cannabis

Go Below To Get More Information


  • CBD oil 10% 40mg
  • Beta-1,3/1,6-glucan 48mg
  • Vitamin D3 100 IU
  • Vitamin C 5mg
  • Vitamin E 3mg
  • Vitamin B6 2mg
  • Frequently Asked Questioins

    • Because it has a beneficial effect on the agility, condition and health of animals.