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Digestion care


BioProtect is a supportive preparation for dogs and cats with gastrointestinal microflora disorders. Particularly recommended as an addition to antibiotic therapy, in case of diarrhea and after deworming. It can be used prophylactically in growing animals and animals prone to constipation.

Categories:- Dog & Cat, Supplement, Digestion Care, Bioprotect

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BioProtect is a supportive preparation for dogs and cats with gastrointestinal microflora disorders. Particularly recommended as an addition to antibiotic therapy, in case of diarrhea and after deworming. It can be used prophylactically in growing animals and animals prone to constipation.


  • Capsules BioProtect contain 5 million units forming a colony of bacteria supporting the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora, while limiting potentially pathogenic bacteria.
  • Mannanoligosaccharides, fructooligosaccharides are prebiotics that support the natural growth of the protective intestinal bacterial flora and have the ability to stimulate intestinal immunity.
  • Composition: Enterococcus faecium 2.5 x 10 9 cfu, Lactobacillus acidophilus 2.5 x 10 9 cfu, mannanoligosaccharides, fructooligosaccharides.
  • Usage

  • 1-2 capsules a day. Capsules can be administered directly into the mouth or their contents mixed with food.
  • The animal should be provided with constant access to fresh water.
  • The package contains 15 capsules.
  • Frequently Asked Questioins

    • Bioprotect contains a rich complex of vitamins and minerals supports your home diet exceptional ease of administration, thanks to the tasty Twist Off capsule (see the video below how simple it is).