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Cancer Support


  • Apocare has specially designed ds DNA Protien for the animals undergoing cancer & tumor treatment.
  • Apocare strengthens and balances your cat’s cell meditated immune system so the body recognizes and destroys damaged cells. This Improves thier body’s ability to overcomeillness and helps protect them against future illness.
  • Apocare is recomended to use it as a support to treatment of mammary ridge tumors, lymphoma, lymphocytic leukemia as well as to prevent the recurrence of cancer.
  • The Precisely selected ingredients of the prepation have a positive effect on the condition and the the well-being of animals after surgical removal of mammary gland tumors or others tumors treated Surgically.
  • The Chicken Anaemia virus protien 3 (VP3 orapoptin) induces apoptosis specifically in tumor and cancer cells but not in normal cells.
  • Categories:- Dog & Cat, Supplement, Cancer Support, Apocare

    Go Below To Get More Information

    Apocare has ds nucleic acid, bacterial protiens which stimulates all 260 diffrent classes of immune cells- including natural killer cells , T-cells and macrophages

    Frequently Asked Questioins

    • Apocare has ds nucleic acid, bacterial protiens which stimulates all 260 diffrent classes of immune cells- including natural killer cells , T-cells and macrophages

      T-cells kills & tumor cells without harming healthy cells

      Helps cat’s by unlockinbg a natural biological process in the body called apoptosis. Damaged cells are allowed to die (Appotosis)

      Keep Existing cell healthy as they replicate and rids damaged cells (like cancer & tumor cells) beforethey can multiply

    • Apocare is 100% bioavailable (absorption rate) for better results

      Helps Manage symptoms of cancer & tumor

      Supports the immune system by strengthening cell medicated immunity.

      Does not creat any additional stress on the body while activating healing mechanisms. Can be given safety with regular treatments and chemotherapy and enhanses thier efficacy.

      Supports regulatory functions abd critical Body systems including the nervous, hormonal, and immune system.

      Enhances quality of life of pets an d extends their time with you .