


Balanced and complete dietary wet food for adult dogs which is reduce excessive body weight or stabilise it after weight loss. The Food is low in calories and the addition of L-Carnitine supports metabolism of fatty acids.

Dietetic Indications:

  • Reduction of excessive body weight
  • Maintaining a stable body weight after weifht loss
  • Recommended for animals with low activity or after sterilization/castration
  • Regulation of glucose supply (diabetes mellitus)
  • Supply of heart function in the case of chronic cardiac insufficiency

Nutritional Information: The Diet covers the daily nutritional requirement of adult dog. Depending on the daily needs, ration may be divided into two or more meals.Before feeding or prolonging the feeding period, a veterinarian should be consulted.the Introduction of a new feed should take place gradually , mixing it with the previously used feed over a period of approximately two weeks.To achieve effective weight reduction or to maintain optimum body weight., the recommended daily energy intake should not be exceeded. The recommended time of administration is until the target body weight is achieved and after it required to maintain the target body weight. To regulate glucose supply (Diabestes mellitus) and to support heart function in the case of chronic cardiac, insufficiency, feed initially up to 6 months.The animal must have constant access to fresh water.Refrigerate after opening and feed the disrt at room temparture. 

Packaging: 400 g


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