


Complete & balanced dietary food for adult dogs, the administration of which is recommended to support the function of the liver in case of chronic liver insufficiency and to reduce the level of copper in the liver.

Dietic Indications: Support of liver Function & reduction of copper deposition in the liver

Nutritional Information: Diet covers the daily nutrient requirement of dogs .Initial feeding rations are shown in the table on the packages.Daily amountcan be divided into two or more meals. Before feeding or prolonging the feed period, please consult your veterinarian. The recommended feeding time, depending on the particular nutritional purpose :support of liver function in case of chronic liver insufficiency - initially up to 4 months:reduction of copper in the liver-initially up to 6 monthsThe animal must have constant access to clean & fresh water. After opening it, store in a refrigetor. Feed the diet in the room temperature. Packaging 200 g & 400 g



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